Join the Black Canyon Audubon Society

2025 Dues for the Black Canyon Audubon Society are now due

BCAS membership runs on an annual basis beginning on January 1 of each year.  Please renew your membership by using one of the two buttons below.  Your dues are very important in making it possible for us to have monthly speakers, keep our educational programs running, and to facilitate our local projects.  We appreciate your being a BCAS member!  Please note the new dues structure:

Dues are $20 ($30 for family) to support BCAS programs and activities and to receive Canyon Renderings electronically, or $30 ($40 for family) for a printed newsletterthrough the mail.  Remember, your membership and contributions are tax deductible.

If you would like to join or donate to the National Audubon Society (NAS) directly and receive the Audubon Magazine, please go to or call 1-844-428-3826. Minimum membership fee is $20.  Don't forget to tell them that the Black Canyon Audubon Society/D14 is your local chapter so that we can receive $3 from NAS for your membership.  This is not enough to sustain our programs and other activities. If you choose to join NAS, we would appreciate your direct support of BCAS by either joining both BCAS and NAS, or by donating to BCAS at any time.

As a local member, you may participate in all chapter activities, field trips, receive the Canyon Wrenderings newsletter, and vote on all chapter issues. Dues remain with the local chapter.  All memberships are for the calendar year beginning in January.  Please make sure we have your email address, as we prefer to send newsletter by email to same paper.  If you would like a newsletter by mail, please let us know.

Donate $20 for Individual Membership with newsletter sent by email.

Individual Membership with newsletter sent by email | 20 USD

Donate $30 for Individual Membership with print newsletter sent by regular mail.

Individual Membership with email sent by regular mail | 30 USD




Donate $30 for Family Membership with newsletter sent by email.

Regular Family Annual Subscription with newlsetter by email | 30 USD

 Donate $40 for Family Membership with print newsletter sent by regular mail.

Regular Family Annual Subscription with newlsetter by regular mail | 40 USD

Or to join by mail

Download the printable Enrollment/Renewal Form

Additional donations are always appreciated.  BCAS is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so all donations are tax deductible.

 Thank You!

A Colorado
Chapter of
the National
Audubon Society


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Canyon Wrenderings


