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Fall 2024

Notes from a novice bluebird box tender; Board meeting highlights; Hel Cpolorado Bat Watch find roosting sites; BCAS fall book club selections: Merchants of Doubt, Speaking of Bears; and Ten Birds that Changed the World; Lop and Scatter; BCAS invests in local Motus station; Hel prevent bird-window collisions; Conservation conversations; Bluebird houses at the Montrose County Fair; Avian ramblings - fall 2024.

Summer 2024

Invasive apex predators; Board meeting highlights; BCAS book selections: The Hidden Life of Trees; Badluck Way; and Letters to a Young Scientist; "Birdability" is birding for all; Conservation conversations; What's in a (bird) name; Avian ramblings - (almost) Spring.

Spring 2024

24th annual Eckert Crane Days approaches;  Know befor you go - visiting Colorado's State Wildlife Areas; BCAS book selections: Highest Tide; Crossings: How Road Ecology is Shaping the Future of Our Planet; and Songbird Journeys: Four Seasons in the Lives of Migratory Birds; Conservation conversations; 2023-24 Christmas Bird Count; Bluebird nest Box monitoring; Migration of the lesser sandhill; cranes; Avian ramblings - Spring 2024.

Winter 2023

Christmas bird counts; Amy Seglund, Local member honored; BCAS volunteer projects, Ridgway State Park bird banding; BCAS winter book selections: A Sand County Almanac, Mind of the Raven, and Darkness Manifesto; Avian ramblings; MOTUS update; Audubon leadership conference; Wild turkey domestication in the southwestern United States; Conservation conversations; Board meeting highlights.

Fall 2023

Motus wildlife tracking system project; BCAS book slelections: The Delightful Horror of Family Birding; The Secret Lives of Bats, and What an Owl Knows; Avian ramblings; Owl adventures; Bluebird houses at the county fair; Board meeting highlights; Happy 50th birthday Endangered Species Act!; Conservation conversations; Marine Road update.

Summer 2023

Birding etiquette; Summer BCAS book club selections: Kingbird Highway, The Audubon Ark, and Halcyon Journey; Avian ramblings; Audubon education; Audubon Initiatives: Dark Skies; Board meeting highlights; Montrsoe County Fair: July 25-29; Conservation Conversations; Scott Weidensaul presentation; Annual meeting.

Spring 2023

Spring BCAS book club selections: Fuzz: When Nature Breaks the Law, Of a Feather: A Brief History of American Birding, and Tracing Time: Seasons of Rock Art on the Colorado Plateau; Avian ramblings; Christmas Bird County summaries; Avian influenza; Citizen science opportunity: flammulated owl study; Birding ethics; BCAS board meeting highlights; Marine Road property update; Eckert Crane Days; Conservation conversations; Annual banquet.

Winter 2022

Winter BCAS book club selections: Fire on the Mountain, Owls of the Eastern Ice, and The Glitter in the Green; Avian ramblings; Pinyon Jays in Colorado; Audubon education - bird banding research; Board highlights; Sandhill Crane capture and marking near Delta; Message from Dusty Downey on grasslands conservation; Conservation conversations; Marine Road Conservation Area.

Fall 2022

BCAS book club: Animal Algorithms, Path of the Puma, and A World on the Wing; Birding at the Ute Indian Museum; Avian ramblings; Bird banding at Ridgway State Park; Conservation Conversations; What to expect on a guided bird tour; Montrose County Fair - bluebird houses.

Summer 2022

BCAS book club: Mozart's Starling; The Feather Thief: Soul of an Octopus; Avian ramblings; Conservation conversations; Viewint the web of life; Audubon Education; Citizen science - monitoring bluebird boxes.

Spring 2022

Christmas bird count results; Montrose County big year; The pandemic and bird songs; BCAS book club selections; Avian ramblings; Generating conservation conversations; BCAS study skins used at local schools..

Winter 2021

Christmas bird counts; Montrose County big year; Birds' evlolution of sweet receptor; In memory of Chris Lazo; Bird banding at Ridgway State Park;  BCAS book club; Who was that bird named for?: William C. Cooper; Generating conservation conversations.

Fall 2021

Bird banding at Ridgway State Park; Birdie personal safety alarm; BCAS book club; Gunnison Sage-grouse update; Migratory bird visitors; Bird migration; Bird house auction at Montrose County fair; Who was that bird named for?: William Alexander Hammond; Generating conservation conversations.

Summer 2021

BCAS provides books to local libraries; 4th grade Natural Resources Festival; Ouray CFO birding challenge team; Mariine Road update; Who was that bird named for?: William John Swainson; Generating Conservation Conversations; Bluebird boxes replaced at Billy Creek SWMA; Audubon book club.

Spring 2021

Bluebird trail; Sandhill cranes: Gunnison sage grouse leks; Turkey courtship display; Book review: "Nature's Best Hope;" Who was that bird named for?: William Bullock; Generating conservation conversations; ospreys.

Winter 2020

Annual bird count; Two winter feeder visitors; Marine Road birding park; Raptors virtual presentation; Book reviews: "Owls of the Eastern Ice" and "What it's Like to be a Bird;" Bluebird boxes on Kebler Pass; Generating conservation conversations; Birding with childred; Sage vrous vs ravens; Who was that bird named for?: Sir John Barrow.

Fall 2020

Fall migration; Annual birdhouse fundraiser; Birding skills of Harriet Tubman; Monitoring bluebird boxes; Bird names for birds campaign; Life cycle of the Gunnison sage grouse; Varied bunting - Colorado's 513th official bird species; Book reviews; Generating conservation conversations; Attracting birds: Moth and caterpillar gardening; Who was that bird named for?: McCown's longspur is now Thick-billed longspur; Hawk identification skills.

Summer 2020

Gunnison sage grouse; Annual banquet postponed; Bluebird box tracking; Covid-19 relief efforts in Gunnison; Marine Road Wetlands update; Clolorado Parks and Wildlife regulation changes for State Wildlife Areas; Why be a member of BCAS; Attracting hummingbirds; Planting natives for birds; Generating conservation conversations; Who was that bird named for?: Robert Stockton Williamson; BCAS donates to wildlife foundation

Spring 2020

Eckert Crane Days; Grape jelly rescue; Chirstmas Bird Count results; In memoriam: Evelyn Horn and Julie and Richard Duncan; Rosy-finch study; Who's that bird named for; Edward Harris, Jr; Fast-food crows; Clever corvids; Seven things to help birds; Conservfation conversations.

Winter 2019

From tag-along to beginner birder; Christmas bird counts; Ridgway bird banding results; Dennis Garrison leaves Colorado; Sue Hirshman and Carolyn Gunn recognized; Who was that bird named for?: Thomas May Brewer; Generating conservation Conversations; Celebrating the life of Terry Ryan; Bird Behavior: Clark's Nutcracker; Audubon Colorado Council report.

Fall 2019

Tagging along with my birder; CFO Conference summary; Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright honored; Native plants for birds; Birdhouse sale results.

Summer 2019

Audubon Colorado Council; Interest in birds through time; Colony bird houses; Educational opportunities; Environmental News; Purple martins; Ridgway bird banding plans; Who was that bird named for?: Virginia's, Lucy's, and Grace's warblers.

Spring 2019

Audubon Colorado Council; Sandhill cranes at Fruitgrowers Reservoir; Hopes for 2019: wildlife and wild land conservation legislation; Brown-capped rosy-finches, Educational programs; Pinyon jay nesting study; Unexpected Birds on the Western Slope; Who was that bird named for?: Spencer Fullerton Baird biography.

Winter 2018

Audubon Colorado Council; Bird colors; 2018 Ridgway bird banding results; Unexpected sightings on the Western Slope; Year of the bird in retrospect; Human-caused extinctions; Who was that bird named for?: John Franklin biography; Suet recipes

Fall 2018

International Vulture Day, Project Feeder Watch, Federal Duck Stamps, Open pipes recap, 2018 BCAS Annual Meeting review, Results of 2018 Montrose County Fair birdhouse auction, Bird banding ag Ridway State Park, Who was that bird named for?: Thomas Bewick biography, Hummingbird migration

Summer 2018

Audubon Colorado Council news; Open pipes project update; Educational activities; GMUG Forest Plan update; EBird Big B Day; Birding in Cuba; Who was that bird named for?: Georg Wilhelm Steller biography; Birding and the economy

Spring 2018

Eckert Crane Days; Preventable entrapment of birds, part 2; Screening vault toilets; Capping pipes near Crawford; Education Committee; Why birds matter; Migratory Bird Treaty and Year of the Bird; Raptor field trips results; Who was that bird named for?: William Gambel biography; Quail facts

Winter 2017

Preventable entrapment of birds, part 1, Unusual bird sightings, Ridgway State Park bird banding, Sandhill cranes on G50 Road, Avian Recovery in the Caribbean, Who was that bird named for?: Alexander Wilson biography, Marine Road Park update

Fall 2017

Lewis' Woodpeckers, Annual Dinner silent auction results, BCAS education events, GMUG planning documents, Birdhouse silent auction results, National Audubon annual meeting, Winterizing chimneys, Federal duck stamps, Who was that bird named for?: Thomas Say biography

Summer 2017

BCAS Annual Dinner, Yampa Valley Cranes, Eckert Crane Days recap, Global big day, Brown-capped rosy finches, Bluebird trails, BCAS upcoming educational events, Who was that bird named for?: John Kirt Townsend biography

Spring 2017

Crane Days, skin collection, field trips, Audubon Council news, native plants for birds, Gunnison Sage Grouse working group updates, education, Who was that bird named for?: Samuel Washington Woodhouse

Winter 2016

Christmas bird counts, birds and winter, field trips, banding at Ridgway State Park, Audubon Council news, citizen science, Who was that bird named for?: Lewis and Clark

Fall 2016

Audubon Colorado Council news; Breeding Bird Atlas, Birding with kids; Gunnison Sage-grouse management plan; conservation news; Neotropic cormorant in Montrose; Montrose County Fair birdhouse project

Summer 2016

eBird hotspots; Crane Days recap; Arizona trip recap; Hummingbird feeding; Birding and banding with kids; Purple martins; BCAS annual dinner.

Spring 2016

Eckert Crane Days; Gunnison Sage Grouse summit; New BCAS binoculars; Barrow's Goldeneye count; Thompson Divide lease swap; Purple martin nest boxes

Winter 2015

Christmas Bird Counts; Bird banding at Ridgway State Park; Arizona bird trek; Membership summary; Nest boxes; and Audubon Ark book review

Fall 2015

Gas lease swap; Ridgway Bird Banding; Marine Road Park; Kevin Parks Wetlands; Gunnison Sage Grouse; Wooworkers Guild Bird Houses; and Ouray Bird Count

Summer 2015

Gunnison sage-grouse fund; Bird longevity; Birds of Bhutan; Crane Days 2015; and Marine Road property update

Spring 2015

Eckert Crane Days; Boating on Fruitgrowers Reservoir; Gunnison Sage-grouse update; West end field trip; Christmas bird counts results; Brenda Miller presentation; Raptor Field Trip results; and Audubon Colorado Council

Winter 2014

Christmas Bird Counts; Ridgway bird banding; Yellow-billed cuckoo; and Marine Road Park update.

Fall 2014

Ridgway State Park bird banding; Proposed Marine Road Park in Montrose; Annual dinner recap; Introduction to eBird; Yampa Valley Crane Festival; and Bird skin collection information

Summer 2014

Audubon Colorado Council; Fruitgrowers Reservoir cleanup; Eckert Crane Days; Gunnison Sage Grouse Working Group, Black swift; and Paonia River Park Conservation Days

Spring 2014

Sandhill crane migration - Eckert Crane Days; Bird banding at Ridgway State Park; Black swifts iin Brazil; Evelyn Horn talk, and Christmas Bird Counts results

Winter 2013

 Christmas Bird Counts; Yellow-billed cuckoo; North Road gravel pit; Foxden Farm sunflower seeds; and Website update

Fall 2013

Hotchkiss field trip; Yampa Crane Festival; RMBO Rocky Mountain National Park research

Summer 2013

Eckert Crane Days; Sandhill crane migration; Gunnison sage-grouse festival; Education programs in Paonia and Cedaredge; Spring bird banding at Ridgway State Park; and BCAS annual meeting

Spring 2013

Gunnison sage-grouse endangered candidate; Rough-legged hawks; New BCAS Canyon wren logo; Christmas Bird Count results; Barrow's goldeneye count results; and Eckert Crane Days

Winter 2012

Rosy finches; NAS Annual Convention; Bird house building; Bird skins; Kids' Pasta Project; Ridgway State Park bird banding;and Barrow's goldeneye count

Fall 2012

Ridgway State Park bird banding; Eckert Crane Days; Richard G. Levad Memorial Fund; Peregrine falcon field trip; Delta Outdoor Herigate Day; and Gunnison sage-grouse

Summer 2012

Eckert Crane Days

Fall 2011

Mountain Roots Food Project; Western Slope Bird Network; Delta Outdoor Heritage Day; BCAS annual meeting recap; Coffee and chocolate for birds; Golden eagle release; Project Feeder Watch; Breeding Bird Atlas II; Fruitgrowers Reservoir sign vandalism; Audubon Hog Island Camp

Summer 2011

Gunnison sage-grouse update; Fruitgrowers Reservoir clean up; Bird skins presented to Hotchkiss third graders; Bird skin collection; wind power; Cornell Lab 24-hour species record; Great Backyard Bird Count; Project Feeder Watch; BCAS annual meeting speaker


A Colorado
Chapter of
the National
Audubon Society


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